Photo by Daniela Snyder, www.EquestrianImages.us.
Spanish Horse Breed Articles:
At Spanish Horse Tack, we are dedicated to promote all Spanish Horse Breeds, especially those who are naturally gaited. There are also several Spanish Horses breeds that are considered Endangered Species, so we are very honored to be working with some of the top breeders in the United States who are volunteering their time to write informative articles and provide photos and videos of the horses they love.
If you are a professional, humane breeder of Spanish Horses, gaited or not, and the breed that you work with is not listed below, please feel free to Contact Us if you would like your farm to be featured on our website.

American Paso Finos
By Stella Manberg-Wise
Owner of:
Great Blazes Farm
Paso Fino Horses

Colombian Creole Horses
By Rebecca Vail Anderson
Owner of:
Criadero Hidalgo, LLC
Colombian Trote & Trocha horses

Galiceño Horses
By Richard M. Blaney
Owner of:
Galicenos of Suwannee
Horse Ranch

Spanish Barb Horses
By Lauren Zanko
Owner of:
Corazon de Sunka Wakan
Spanish Barb Horses